Wednesday, August 31, 2005


yes i am aware of the fact that i started writing this blog with barely 15 minutes of Merdeka Day left. ok in this 15 minutes.... reminisce
what do we celebrate? is it that we have an independent nation, no longer under the thumb of colonial powers? (post colonial view here - sorry hahaha i would like to think my English Literature studies could be used somewhere - apologies for unleashing on you guys)
is it that indescribable nature that makes a peninsula (ok and one large-ish island and several small ones) off southeast Asia... so distinctly home? Malaysia was my home for 13 years of my life...
so what is it to me? just that... home. where i was born, where i was raised. I'm as malaysian as i'm human. its something i hold proudly, even though i reside now in Australia.
so what do i celebrate every 31 August? the life my country gave me... i remember the sacrifices made by those in the past... that made my country what it is... and i remember, that looking to the future, its up to us... as citizens wherever we are, to make the country what it will be. Malaysia is not just a country... i've come to realise that as citizens wherever we are, we are the country. the country is the people...
so it is with happiness that every 31 August i celebrate something dear to my heart. my homeland. the place that gave me life (to which hopefully one day i will return). and i pray that i get the chance one day to contribute to what made my country so dear to my heart.
its a simple line, but its true "i am, we are, you are Malaysian"... i urge you guys to remember what that means. and when you find out what it means, that is when you realise the significance of 31st August 1957.
God places us in wherever we were born ... to make a difference. Malaysia isnt without its faults. but who is? like it or not... its home. it was home. now it is not physically home, but its home in my heart anyways...
God bless you all, and i wish you all a happy Merdeka Day... (well the last 6 mins of it neways) =D

Saturday, August 13, 2005

week4 already

i cant believe its been a month since 2nd semester started. its normally around now that i start working hard... to prepare for the battery of exams and assignments often due around... 3-4 weeks from now. already... i stare at an insurmountable assignment... a criminal law report and presentation on infanticide... due friday... God help us... the previous group was excellent... and they got grilled for 1 hour by the rest of the class on the merits of the insanity defence. if i get grilled for half as long on infanticide... i'll probably go insane... hahaha its a good thing its a group assignment... hehehe even though it is worth 40%...
yeah ... better get a start on it i guess... now what is infanticide again?