Saturday, June 11, 2005

i guess 2.5 hours before one's first exam is not the best time to blog...
but well... sometimes one just has to sit and type, and go where the moment takes you...
musings on International Finance:
not exactly the most interesting unit i've done... but well... sigh some core units have to be done...
actually under my degree all of my Commerce units are core units sigh...

musings on life:
while i don't believe in love at first sight...
i believe that a smile - can communicate much more than the longest letter written
i believe that a meaningful glance - communicates beyond mere spoken words
a raised eyebrow - a thought comprehended with a million subtleties
a pat on the back - a source of there for you, dont worry about it

one doesn't fall in love on first sight, or on second sight, but one can be captivated by impressions, and be provoked to search beyond the initial impression... one can resemble the proverbial traveller, who turns the corner expecting nothing, and unexpectedly finds what he's been looking for, who holds it dear to his chest... to love
one look - one glance - one touch - one life

in closing - carpe diem -
... ille potens sui
laetusque deget cui licet in diem
dixisse Vixi...

Happy the man, and happy he alone,
He, who can call today his own;
He who, secure within, can say,
Tomorrow do thy worst, for i have lived today


to live... goes beyond surviving
death is easy... living is the hard part...
living a life of destiny - the hardest task of all


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