Monday, January 26, 2009


There are days when I feel like a jerk.
There are days when I feel stretched to the limit by commitments.

I suspect both the above are related.

I've found myself behaving unexpectedly (in a bad way) in seemingly innocuous situations.
I've found myself trying to do the right thing when it's hard to. And often failing.

I suspect I need to deal with this.

I'm getting sick of being inconsistent. One moment smiling. The next moment tearing strips off someone and passing it off as humour. The next moment being a friend again.

The people I care about in my life definitely deserve better.

But it all starts somewhere doesn't it?


joshuachay said...

Well, it happens to the best of us. But at least your conscious about it and genuinely want to change the habit.

People will see that somehow.

DaSinner said...

cheers man.
i'd swear sometimes i think i have a split personality haha...

Anonymous said...

Well, I'd say take it a day at a time and bask in friendship :)