Saturday, December 06, 2008

Status update

Relationally - the status quo remains the status quo.
Mentally - Studying (or at least trying to) - covered Domicile and Habitual Residence for IPL today, and prepared 1 Jurisprudence exam question. Not bad for a night's work I guess.

Physically - somehow I've added on 2kgs over this semester, which is probably not a bad thing. At the moment, legs are a tad sore after a 5km run on the treadmills. Right shoulder's crocked. Other than that, I've got the usual soreness that comes from a good gym session. And a splitting headache - nothing sleep can't fix.

The Random - I bought something very interesting today =) Guess?

Responsibilities - Passing those exams to avoid having to repay A$4000 to UWA. Planning family travel around Inverness, St Andrews, Glasgow, London and Paris. Some Christmas shopping (after exams). Surviving. Staying sane.

And in the midst of all that... keeping the faith.

Ultimately - I'm inspired.

1 comment:

Lemuel Yee Ngan Foong said...

Hey Nic,

You seem to be working out, not just in this post, but from some of your others posts I think you're putting quite a lot of time into it.


It's perfectly normal to put on weight. Because muscle weighs more than fat. the 2kgs are likely to be "new" muscle! WOOHOO!!!

Feel motivated now? When I get a good work out I am normally motivated (and reminded) to keep it up by the sore and aching muscles. It tells me that I'm getting some where.

These days I wished I had that motivation... with the advent of my 1st born, only motivation I have left is for futsal! But no thanks to a ridiculous tackle I'm out for the rest of this year -.-" Sad case as Kaka totally stole my goal celebration! Looks like it's going to be a big fat Christmas for me zzzzzzzzzzzzz