Tuesday, September 28, 2004

"the piano incident"

read your livejournal last night WK...
well, as a witness to the performance after the incident, this adds to the context ehh.
hahaha... just one query: did you keep a straight face or was it ST's mum ?
however: it was abit nasty on ST's part to only give you the music on the day itself...
gives you a very good excuse though.
btw, i cant wait to give ST crap about the "millenium incident" *laughs out loud*


Anonymous said...

it was ST's mum that kept the straight face.

and: "putting things in context". that was so embarrassing! (my 'performance' at Cell). Stef said afterwards that Jason was trying so hard not to laugh :(


Anonymous said...

not nasty at all

i have more confidence in wei's skills than u seem to have nic :D