Thursday, October 14, 2004

youth service

went to ps Matt Garner's Church's youth service last night. was a pretty rockin service. apparently they have about 400 youth!!! yeah it was a good service... interestin thing is that they had lightbulbs hanging down all over the stage, and like, u could walk into them if u werent watching. yeah... the guest speaker was great as well, Andy from NZ... quite a passionate preacher...he spoke about how Christians are not of this world, that we dont have the rights of citizenship of this world.... then he digressed into talking about how the disciples of Jesus each in their own way gave their lives for Jesus... was a really poignant reminder of how much they loved Jesus.... to give their lives for him. then he went into how we should be prepared to die for Christ, talking about his experiences in Vietnam, a country where Christians are persecuted... it was really uplifting, as he spoke of a man imprisoned in a 1m by 1m cage for 6 months who after his release begged to be put back in again as there, all he could do was pray, and be close with God. to me the sermon was a reminder not to be caught up in the world but to remember that we have a calling as Christians to claim this world for christ. yeah it was a really touching service.
on the way back, Andy presented his theory that 40km/h over the speed limit isnt speeding through taking us on a 140km/h drive on some suburban street not dissimilar to South St...
and ended up taking us south instead of to the uni.... was hilarious man...
here are the transcripts:
setting: we have just passed the convention centre on freeway south (andy was supposed to take us back to UWA...
we were talking about NS in Singapore
Andy: the reason i didnt defer NS was because we had to pay a $70k bond....
Nic: Why didnt you go to uni?
Andy: AS I WAS SAYING, the reason was because of this bond u see...
Nic: (getting agitated): No, i mean why arent we going to uni now?
Andy:.... (at this point we are just before Mill Pt Rd)
so we had to turn back...
was absolutely hilarious.

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