Friday, October 01, 2004

what a difference 5 days makes

kkk... just got back from Youth Service
hmmm... life is interesting isnt it? one week you're on a high and then the next week...
as i was saying to JL in the car, i just wish exams were the only thing i had to worry about.
i'm still bothered by the conversation i had last night... do i wish i never had it?
No for while ignorance is bliss...the truth sets me free (again i apologise for the cliche :))
but yeah... what is truth? (to quote Pilate) will there be truths that will never be revealed? (answers would be good from anyone reading this)
i wish i wasnt so distracted during the service today ehh... lucky i wasnt playing guitar. would have been disastrous
also, i'm abit sick, and thus, wahhh so tired today man...
it's so hard to just focus on God when physical, mental, and social circumstances preclude this, but that is what true worshipers do...(or so i've been told ;))
on another note... i totally blew my driving lesson today man... was so bad...
sometimes i hate myself cos when i get distracted by problems etc, it affects everything i do seriously...
anyways, the lesson was so stressful ehh... i still cant park that well, or reverse that well either...
on another, more tangential note:
i didnt get much study done today, and as my exams end on the 12th of november, it'll be a long and cold 5 weeks
so depressed now....
sigh...(i'm rambling on and on, am i?) ;)
anyways, back to life

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hrrm why do i seem to be only person commenting on here?? oh well :)

re: "truth". you might be interested in reading the discussions i had with evonne on the concept of "reality" here.

i dont think there is an absolute truth per se. i think theres different truths for different people. and yes, (to me) that includes concepts of "jesus as the only way to heaven". im not prepared to say that non-christians are going to hell. it's not my call to make. i dont know what "the guy upstairs" has in mind.

make up your own mind on things. by all means, listen to what others might have to say on the topic. but, in the end, God gave you a brain (a great one, i might add) to use. use it. even if it hurts. and when it hurts, use it some more. [well ok, rest now and then, but then go back to using it] ;)

The first line of Peck's book is: life is difficult. and that we need to challenge ourselves (think/feel till it hurts) in order to grow [personal growth]. im a big fan of Peck. He's a Christian, incidentally :)

re: studies. youre gonna be at uni for 5 yrs. 5 long yrs. dont stres urself out too much. at the end of the day, what are you aiming towards?

uni's a game. you dont actually learn much there. when you go into the workforce, you will learn more in your first week than you did in 5 years. everyone I know says that. uni is about 'playing the game' and passing exams, really :)

there more to uni life than being a fulltime student. go live that life :)

WK (whoelse could it be? lol)