Monday, April 25, 2005

as i sit typing this... well 'Beautiful One' by Jeremy Camp is playing in the house, a lovesong written to the Best Friend we have...
what does it mean to adore God? sure, we've all said the words 'i love you'... and i'm sure we meant it at the time. but what did we mean when we said it? what is adoration?
two definitions i really like:
1. To worship as God or a god.
2. To regard with deep, often rapturous love

well yeah... the music just switched to 'Enough', by the aforesaid J. Camp... and truly illustrating the point that music is truly a powerful medium... often i dont realise that God is more than enough for me...
'All of you/ is more than enough for/
more of me/ for any thirst and/
every need/ you satisfy me/
with your love/ and all i have in you/
is more than enough'

more than all i need... something i dont realise... why do i forget this so often? why do i often run so hard in the wrong direction? to satisfy my own needs by my own meager abilities... which were given by Him anywayz...? is it mere forgetfulness or a subconscious belief that i have to be self-sufficient? sometimes we've just got to examine ourselves and see where we stand...
on another note... i believe that true honesty lies in accepting that we often need the help of others... life is not meant to be lived alone... humans were made with an innate desire to interact with each other.

(looks at above sentences)
(thinks to himself: "rite...")

anywayz back to work for me

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