Thursday, October 28, 2004

1 week to go

can u believe it? only one week to go before my exams, and then after 1 week, i've finished my first year of uni!!! it all went by so fast... hahaha...
lets see...
met lotsa cool ppl this year... know lotsa new ppl.... been a good year
have discovered how lazy i am in these pre exams weeks :) sigh... but its only first year
just went shopping at Garbos cos theres a sale on now.... dint get anything though i saw a shirt i liked, but $30's too much to pay for a T-shirt i reckoned cos i was in Malaysia 3 months ago .... and stuff's cheap there to say the least
then went to a mates place... had nice long chat just the 3 of us... ahh the pleasures of conversation, saw some N1 documentary (i think that's what u would call it) hahaha laughed alot... did weights (thin old me...:)) but yeahh was a good night except for study purposes, but life is for living :)
so anyways... today was my last day of uni before exams... and swot vac.... sigh... memories ;)
youth service tomorrow, so hafta get guitar to uni on bus... will go earlier to study MA, ahh the joys of Flexible Budget Accounting... then again, mebbe i get some hippy points for bringing a guitar into Reid library... am on my way in that regard :)

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