Thursday, July 12, 2007

Unseen hands

I don't believe that anyone of us is ever truly alone and isolated. For every step into the dark, there are people willing us on. People that have invested their lives into you. Last year I had the privilege to return to my old school for the graduation of two of my cousins. My ex-principal spoke of remembering and appreciating those people who have contributed to your life, however small or large their part may be. There are people who've given to each one of us something only they can give - their time and love. These helping hands, often unseen have shaped our lives, and like it or not, sometimes it can be too late to mention those words of appreciation.
I'd like to dedicate this post to my grandmother in KL. The odds of her reading this are extremely slim, given she doesn't use a computer, but at least on this corner of the Net, I'd like to show her my appreciation, as her birthday approaches. She means a lot to me, and yeah... i miss her cos she's all the way there, and I'm all the way here.

Unseen Hands
She taught me, through her life the meaning of true beauty.
It went beyond a pretty face, or a shapely figure
It was beyond what lay outside, but an expression of the depths inside

Beauty was in the hands gently massaging a sick child
In the loving hug for a bullied child in tears
In those unseen hands - a refuge from the world

Beauty came in the meals she made daily for those she loved

In the way she threaded a needle - albeit with my aid
In those unseen hands - a life of giving without expecting

Beauty, in the grace and love she lives her life
Undiminished, though my eyes note the years lie heavily
She shines ever brighter in my heart

Those unseen hands now frail
I proudly bear their fingerprints on my life

A testament to the time and love they gave me

your grandson

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